Hey! I’m Chloe

My name is Chloe McMullan, I got interested in the fitness industry after going through a struggle with my weight for years. A Yoyo dieter who hated the idea of setting foot into a gym. Bad mental health, Bad physical health and a list of health conditions that led me to believe I would never achieve the body I wanted too

Fast forward years, Lost over 5 stone, Competed in bodybuilding competitions and fell in love with the process of changing your body and more importantly the mindset that comes along with it.

My Why

I firmly believe that in the gym you are training your mind to become stronger  as well as your body. There is nothing more empowering than feeling strong and healthy. I have been in the industry for 5 years now ​

I have gained a lot of experience both from my own journey and working with clients which I now use to help other people to achieve what they think is the impossible. If i can do it, Anyone can do it. I have faith in every single one of my clients that I take on and will stop at nothing to help you achieve your goals whatever they may be. 

Interested in working with CM FITNESS?


Worried if you will be able to do it?

Wondering what it's all about?

Do you need accountability?


If you’re looking for jaw dropping results, then take a look at what some of our team have achieved this year.

More about me

I have 2 dogs

I love an energy drink

I have nutrition and fitness qualifications along with a teaching degree

I compete in bodybuilding shows

I love to travel!

Let’s start your journey today, get in touch!